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by 王瓊玉 2015-04-23 15:46:02, 回應(0), 人氣(723)
Words and Expressions
contain  content
include  exclude  optional
continental breakfast 歐陸式早餐
light 清淡的
hash 剁碎的食物;肉末洋芋泥  hash brown
oatmeal 燕麥片 congee
jelly 無果粒  jam 有果粒
marmalade 桔子醬   strawberry jelly
whole wheat bread 全麥麵包
rye bread 裸麥麵包 黑麵包
white bread
French toast
Danish pastry 丹麥麵包
roll 圓麵包
bun 小圓麵包
Europeans traditionally eat a "Continental Breakfast
Choices are:
1.juices: tomato juice, orange juice, carrot juice, or grapefruit juice.
2. bread:
3. tea, coffee, milk, or hot chocolate
American Breakfast
American eat an American Breakfast.
English people eat an English Breakfast.
In international restaurants, and English or an American
juices may be fresh, bottled, or canned.
fried sunny-side up
fried over easy
fried over hard
Side Dishes 副餐
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 14:37:48, 回應(0), 人氣(676)
Would you like to order from the menu?
Yes, please.
Here is our breakfast menu.
Thank you very much.
What would like?
I'd like cornflakes and two pieces of toast with butter, please.
Ingredient of Omelet
grilled tomatoes ham bacon cheese sausage mushrooms chives 細蔥  vegetables
cauliflower 花椰菜  bell pepper 青椒  basil 九層塔
plain 原味    with ham and cheese   with sausage   with mushrooms
Egg Benedictine 班尼迪克蛋  muffin
side dish choice  
fresh and light
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 10:36:29, 回應(0), 人氣(726)
Variety of Breakfast

A la Carte Breakfast
(nasi goreng 炒飯, mee goregn 炒麵)
An a la carte breakfast is the kind of breakfast that one choose what items want to eat - eg. meat, bread, pancakes, coffee, etc.
An a la carte breakfast may also include items from other national breakfasts, such as Chinese, Indian, or Lebanese breakfast.
With an a la carte menu, prices are listed with each item on the menu for the guest to pay separately.
basket of bread and pastries
bread basket 麵包籃  croissant

Continental breakfast
(簡單) and American breakfast

buffet breakfast
Chinese breakfast
prices of breakfast

Try local in local way.

Breakfast Menu

Make your own
Two Eggs Cooked to Order
sunny-side up 煎單面
over easy 荷包蛋  over hard 雙面熟  scrambled, boiled, poached 水煮蛋包
side dishes
ham, bacon, sausage, hash brown 薯餅, french fries 薯條 fried mushrooms 炒磨菇
Bread  toast, croissant, bagel
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 09:48:15, 回應(0), 人氣(775)
Robert's Rule: an Introduction

Robert's Rules of Order 會議秩序規則
Written by Henry Martin Robert in 1862.
Full name of the is Robert's Rules of Order.
It discussed and summarized consensus decision-making, an approach that may often be more appropriate for organization.
1. Bylaws & Status 內部章程和規定
2. Formality 正式手續
3. Basic Principles 會議的基本原則
4. the Agenda 議程
5. Motions 提議  議案
6. Reports 報告
7. Elections 選舉
8. Removal 撤職 卸任
9. Mall Ballots and Proxies
10. Bylaw Amendments 規章修正

Parliamentary procedure
1. A motion should be made or seconded before discussion of any issue starts.

2. The chair should restate the motion after it has been made and seconded to clarify and ruled in order.

3. Reports of committee don't always have to be "approved" or "accepted". They can simply be received if no immediate action is desired.

"Approving" or "accepting" means that all items within the report have received approval from the meeting group. Usually, the treasurer's report should be "received" rather than approved,since it is un-audicted and sometimes incomplete.

4. The chair of a committee to move the report be received or approved. (This places more responsibility on committee chairs for running good committee meetings.)

5. Only one main motion can be considered at a time:
A main motion brings an action before the group. For example, "I move adoption of the report", or " I move approval of the minutes". 我提議....

6. A privileged motion is one that calls for immediate action of the whole group. For example, "I move that one we recess". It must be considered before any other motion and is not debatable. (Courtesy has a very high place in parliamentary procedure.)

A subsidiary motion is one to change or dispose of a main motion. For example: "I moves that the minutes be amended to delete paragraph three," or "I move that the minute be amended to reflect my vote."
The subsidiary motion must be discussed and voted on before the main motion can be discussed and voted on, although it can not be made unless the main motion is already on the table.

8. A motion to reconsider a previous vote must be made by someone on the previous winning side.

When someone "calls for the previous question," it is only a suggestion to end the discussion going. If someone "moves the previous question" and there is a second, you much vote on whether or not to end the debate If the motion fails, the discussion continues.

As a general rule, don't attempt to draft substantive language longer than a single sentence in a formal meeting. Refer it to a committee or back to staff.

We Are All Human
Everybody, from statesman and diplomats to salesmen, corporate executive, and professionals - all of us make mistakes in matters of customs and courtesies and with parliamentary procedures.
We are not born with this knowledge, it is learned through experience and study.
If others make mistakes, correct or instruct them gently. Drawing attention to another's error is a discourtesy in itself.
If we make an error of custom, courtesy or procedure, simply offer an honest apology and move on.
The art of apology - sincere, not supplicating - is the greatest courtesy of all.
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 08:43:05, 回應(0), 人氣(775)
Robert's Rules: 羅伯特的規章 an Introduction

1. obscure 無名的
2. turbulent 混亂的  turbulence n. 亂流
3. parliamentary  parliament 國會  cabinet 英國小內閣
4. deliberative 審慎考慮的
5. quote 引言  報價 quotation
6. bylaw 內部章程
7. formality 正式的手續
8. motion 臨時動議
9. election 選舉
10. removal 去除
11. ballot 選票
12. proxies proxy 代理人
13. amendment 修正案
14. pursuant 依據 根據
15 approve   approval 核准
16 customary 風俗的  custom n. customs 海關
17. subsidiary 附帶的  輔助條件
18. dispose 配置 配備 on client's disposal  on your disposal within city limit, on our disposal
19. completion  complete
20. privilege  榮耀 優先 特權 honor  It's my honor. It's my privilege.
21. recess 休會  立法院休會
22. debate   debatable 辯論 
23. envision 預見未來
24. integrity 完整 健全 人格上的正直
25. context  來龍去脈 背景
26. bullet 子彈
27. attentively 週到的
28. assignment  assign  design  resign

quorum (會議的法定人數) have/form a quorum (具備)構成法定人數
head count
實際出席人數 指的是各項會議
會議記錄 Take minutes 做成紀錄
(會議中)選舉 mid-election 期中選舉 hold an election 舉行選舉 swing the election 操縱選舉
會議中的 討論事項 指在正式會議中列入議程中的討論事項 introduction of business 討論案說明  new business 新提出的討論案
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 07:51:18, 回應(0), 人氣(756)

Vocabulary from Week Four:

spring break春假

belly dancing 肚皮舞

casual wear 便服

causal  原因的

How touched! How moved!

MOFA = Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部

Life’s so short!

merit 功德 政績  merits and virtues 功德

benevolence  benevolent 仁慈  compassionate

sky bridge  sky walk


suspension bridge 吊橋

Give me a ride/left.

coral reef 珊瑚礁

Tomb Sweeping Day 清明節

Get stuck in traffic.

commemorate 悼念

China Rising


I should have taken Japanese as major.

harm-free, fear-free, smoke-free


Learning by doing. 做中學

104 Manpower Bank

natural resources

corporate 財團法人

ubiquitous = everywhere  God is ubiquitous.

Mecca 麥加聖地

virtual world 虛擬世界

retail vs. wholesale 零售 大批發

Do not let any children behind.

intrusion 入侵  invasion

fanatical = crazy狂熱的

asset = possession = property 財產

hinder = impede 阻礙 obstruct


entrepreneur 企業家

seed money vs. seed player

sophisticate 久經世故者, 精通者 sophisticated

state-of-the-art = very modern

bombard 砲轟

shark 高利貸

eloquently 口才流利地

fake = counterfeit 假冒的

intellectual problem

website operator

cancel = call off

malnourished 營養不良的

literally 字面上的

dumb play = dumb show 默劇

under this circumstance = in this situation

quarantine 檢疫所 隔離

No more than 5 minutes

Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult,

but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.

quirky = weird = odd 詭怪的

in awe of 尊敬

mass wedding 集團結婚

auxiliary verb 助動詞

law firm (not company) 律師樓

by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 00:10:32, 回應(0), 人氣(683)
Food & Beverage Planning Made Easy
Food & Beverage, F/B (F&B)
餐飲安排 指的是餐飲活動即規劃需求 如食材 數量 衛生安全等
coffee break   tea break
中場休息時間 指的是各場次會議中場休息時間 一般提供餐飲服務 如咖啡茶點 
coffee break   tea break

A La Carte
依照菜單點餐 亦稱為單點不同於一班套餐
前菜 指的是在歐洲用餐的開胃菜 (appetizer), 但在美洲地區則是代表有肉的主食
Buffet 自助餐
F/B price can no be fixed far long time prior, possible negotiation.
1. 6 months prior

A 6 months prior:
F/B price can not be fixed far long time prior, possible negotiation.
a. 6 months prior:
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-21 23:40:11, 回應(0), 人氣(711)
Food & Beverage Make Easy
1. parameter 特徵 因素  parachute   paramount
2. dotted line 虛線  solid line 實線
3. ceiling  最高限度   glass ceiling 玻璃天花板; 無形的阻礙
4. interim 過度期 區間
5. stipulating 約定 規定
6. veteran 退役軍人 老手   veterinarian 獸醫
7. caution 警告
8. catering 外燴
9. demographics 人口變數
10. predict = forecast
11. acceptable
12. gender 性別  sex
13. occupation  job
14. socioeconomic = social economic 社經
15. ethnic 種族的
16. exotic 異國風味的
17. distress 苦惱 M'aidez
18. hors d'oeuvres 前菜  canape 小點心 = finger food  table d'hote 套餐菜單 定食   a la carte 單點
19. shelf
20. hold up  obstacle 阻礙
21. ingredient 配料
22. incorporate 跨國公司
23. seasonal 當令的
24. indigenous 本地的 = local
25. rib 肋骨   prime rib 上等牛排
26. cook-and-hold 食物保溫車
27. griddle 鬆餅鍋  pan深一點的平底鍋
28. whip up 激發
29. appetizer 開胃小菜   Bon appetite.
30. stimulate 刺激
31. texture 組織 結構 口感 The texture is good.
32. bland 溫和
33. strive 努力
34. combination 混合 聯盟  combo = six dishes 合菜
35. crisp  crispy duck 烤鴨
36. chewy
37. tubular 管束狀
38. chop  pork chop 豬排
39. shred     dice
40. conscious 意識 潛意識  subconscious 下意識   unconscious 無意識
41. fancy
42. impression   impressionism 印象派
43. categorize
44 craft 工藝
45. inordinate 過度 無節制
46. thoroughly 完全地
47. booklet
48. risk assessment 風險評估    physical assessment
49. eliminate  eliminator 終結者
50. hazard   hazardous 危險
51. compensation 賠償  subsidy 補償
52. patrol 巡邏
53. liability 責任義務
54. critical 關鍵性的 主要的 critical period
55. insignificant 不突出 不明顯得   significant
56. disclaim 宣告
57. manual 手冊  

by 王瓊玉 2015-04-21 22:38:59, 回應(0), 人氣(810)
Meetings and Their Publications
Reprint (pre-print) 複印本 = handout
publication of a single paper.
Collection of statements that comprises the essential points of the paper
The Program Committee determines the length of the Abstract.
Paper (論文) 文章
Full manuscript (with the specified page limit of the meeting) of the material presented typically at a meeting or published by an author.
Abstracts 大綱
Collection of statements that comprises the essential points of the paper.

The Program Committee determines the length of the Abstract.
Advance Announcement 預告
Provides information about the meeting.
Contains the name of the meeting, sponsors, location, dates, list of sessions and contact for additional information.
Advance Program 會議流程預告
A promotional piece for a meeting, contains the name of the meeting, sponsors, location, exact dates, session information, meeting activities, registration forms, additional information contact.
Final Program 節目表最終版
A Final Program is distributed at the meeting. It contains the name of the meeting, sponsors, location, exact dates, corrected information on sessions and other meeting activities.
Exhibit Guide 展覽導覽書
A booklet describing the exhibits, exhibits or the exhibitors' information.
A conference announcement
After reviewing the Conference Announcement, I have decided to participate this seminar.
Oh! That's great! That training seminar is designed to provide a chance for participants to brainstorm idea about management. It would be very interesting.
I am also been invited to form an ad hoc committee on the program of human resource in meeting industry.
What's the Conference Announcement say about the registration fee and deadline for registration?
November 25 is the early bird registration deadline, and I need to fill up the registration form quickly to get a 30% discount on the full registration fee.
Yes! You'd better hurry, otherwise you have to find some sponsors to support your trip.
According to the second announcement, there will be a gala dinner party and some interesting trips. That might cost me more. Can you be my sponsor?
In modern business practice, a win-win situation is the best solution for all, so tell me what I am going to get if I sponsor you?
OK! Give me your list of gifts; I'll do my best to buy anything you like.
Well, I look forward to seeing something special from Australia. Just tell me how much you need for the trip. Have a good time!

by 王瓊玉 2015-04-21 08:59:12, 回應(0), 人氣(1464)
Meetings and Their Publications
1. IEEE (Institute of electrical and Electronic engineer.
Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
2. publication
3. distinguish (between)
4. proceeding 合輯
5. digest  Reader's Digest
6. tutorial mentor
7. workshop
8. symposium 座談會
9. conference
10. conjunction 結合關連
11. exceed 超過 the allowance
12. interchange
13. isolate
14. separate
15. compensate  compensation 付出勞力的補償 subsidize 補貼
16. instructor
17. lecture  lecturer
18. parentheses 括號
19. synonym   同義字  pronoun 代名詞  antonym (opp.)
20. discourage   hinder    impede  obstruct
21. compendium 小手冊, 小本子
22. statement
23. essential
24. abstract summary digest, synopsis, extract, epitome, generality, gist 摘要
25. manuscript
26. announcement
Terminology 專有名詞
大會論文集 各種大型學術研討多半會發行大會論文集 大論文即有一定的發表格式及作法
會議通知通告書指的是會議在籌組辦理時預先通知各會員或分支組織的印刷品 first announcement, second announcement, final announcement
Call for paper
徵求論文  conference papers
Program Book (Conference Program)
Information Bulletin
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