Vocabulary from Week Four
by 王瓊玉 2015-04-22 07:51:18, 回應(0), 人氣(757)

Vocabulary from Week Four:

spring break春假

belly dancing 肚皮舞

casual wear 便服

causal  原因的

How touched! How moved!

MOFA = Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部

Life’s so short!

merit 功德 政績  merits and virtues 功德

benevolence  benevolent 仁慈  compassionate

sky bridge  sky walk


suspension bridge 吊橋

Give me a ride/left.

coral reef 珊瑚礁

Tomb Sweeping Day 清明節

Get stuck in traffic.

commemorate 悼念

China Rising


I should have taken Japanese as major.

harm-free, fear-free, smoke-free


Learning by doing. 做中學

104 Manpower Bank

natural resources

corporate 財團法人

ubiquitous = everywhere  God is ubiquitous.

Mecca 麥加聖地

virtual world 虛擬世界

retail vs. wholesale 零售 大批發

Do not let any children behind.

intrusion 入侵  invasion

fanatical = crazy狂熱的

asset = possession = property 財產

hinder = impede 阻礙 obstruct


entrepreneur 企業家

seed money vs. seed player

sophisticate 久經世故者, 精通者 sophisticated

state-of-the-art = very modern

bombard 砲轟

shark 高利貸

eloquently 口才流利地

fake = counterfeit 假冒的

intellectual problem

website operator

cancel = call off

malnourished 營養不良的

literally 字面上的

dumb play = dumb show 默劇

under this circumstance = in this situation

quarantine 檢疫所 隔離

No more than 5 minutes

Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult,

but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.

quirky = weird = odd 詭怪的

in awe of 尊敬

mass wedding 集團結婚

auxiliary verb 助動詞

law firm (not company) 律師樓