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by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 21:31:10, 回應(0), 人氣(659)
On the Table


Table Setting餐桌擺設

soy sauce
Shao Shin Wine

Chinaware 瓷器
show plate 展示用餐盤
sauce boat 醬料碗
dinner plate
tea cup & saucer 茶壺與茶碟
coffee cup & saucer
creamer 奶精
sugar bowl 糖罐
toothpick holder 牙籤筒
ashtray 菸灰缸
B&B plate

Glassware 玻璃器皿
water glass
wine glass
whiskey shot 一口杯
Shao Shin serving glass
champagne tulip
Irish coffee glass
punch bowl
shot glass
Sherry & Port glass

Silverware 銀製餐具
dinner fork & knife
salad fork & knife
dessert fork & knife
fish knife & spoon
butter knife
chopstick stand 筷架
tea/coffee spoon
soup ladle 打湯用支湯匙
cake server 分蛋糕專用的扁平刀

Other items
corkscrew 軟木塞開瓶器
coffee/tea pot
finger bowl
salt&pepper shakers
water jug
wine cooler
service towel 服務毛巾
bill holder
soup tureen 湯鍋
chafing dish 溫熱器具


chipped 缺口的
blunt 鈍的


on the top
on the bottom
on the left
on the right
right away

by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 21:12:17, 回應(0), 人氣(671)
Homework (exercises) analysis of the previous chapter
1. The scenery is excellent. I'd like a table by the window.
2. I'm alone. I'd like a seat at the bar.
3. She really likes to dance, so she would prefer a table beside the dance floow.
4. It's too crowded here. I'd rather sit in the back.
5. It's too noisy here. I'd prefer a table over there.
6. He'd like a table in the front so that he can be close to the pop singer.

A Table Too Close to the Restroom


Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
Yes. The name is Dan Billings.
Please follow me, Mr. Billings. Your table is here.
This table is too close to the restroom. Could we have another one?
Would you prefer a table in the corner?
Yes, a table in the corner would be fine.
Please come this way...Here is your menu. Can I get you something to drink while you are waiting?
Can you bring us three cold beers right now?
We have Heineken, Tuborg, and Guinness.
Do you have Beck's?
No. I'm sorry, sir.
Three Tuborgs will be fine.

I don't like this table. Could we have another one?
Would you prefer a table over there / at the back / by the dance floor / in the middle / by the wall /
by the window? in the corner / in the middle
Yes. Thank you. A table ___ would be fine.
upstairs, downstairs, by the entrance, by the window, by the wall, on the right.

Excuse me. Where is the restroom/lavatory/gent's/ladies' room/toilet/WC ?
It's straight ahead.
It's straight ahead and on the right.
It's straight ahead and on the left.
It's around the corner on your left.
It's downstairs.
It's upstairs.
It's by the entrance.
It's right over there.
by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 20:36:48, 回應(0), 人氣(647)
I have a reservation. The name is Kimberly Underwood / Ronan Jackson.
Please follow me.
This way, please.

lectern 放菜單,訂位名單的小櫃檯

May I take your jacket/overcoat/coat/scarf?
Yes, please.
Yes, thank you.
No, thank you.

I am sorry, sir. This table is reserved.
Oh, excuse me.
Would you like a table over there?
If you wait just a moment, I will find a table for you.
If you can wait in the bar for fifteen minutes, I will find a table for you.

Would you like a table, sir?
Yes, please.

in the middle
by the window
by the wall
over there
at the counter
at the table
by the stage
in the back

Would you like to sit _____ or ______?
I'd like to sit ____.
Please follow me.
I don't like this table. Could we have another one?
Would you prefer a table ___?
Yes, thank you. A table ___ would be fine.

powder room
lavatory      laboratory 實驗室
little boys' room
ladies' room
men's room
gentlemen's room
little girls' room
John's / Mary's

Excuse me. Where is the ___?
Is there a ___?
Where can I find a ___?
I'd like to use the ___?
Could you tell me where the ___ is?
Have you got a ___?
I have to use the ____?
My son needs to go to the ___?
Do you have a ___?

It's straight ahead.
It's straight ahead and on the right/left.
It's around the corner on your right/left.
It's downstairs/upstairs.
It's by the entrance.
It's right over there.

next to the elevator, behind the elevator, staircase, public restroom across the street,
across the aisle

Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.
satisfactory  satisfy v.  satisfaction n.
orchestra 管弦樂隊
rather than
under preparation
share a table

cube / ice cube

whiskey on the rocks
straight 單純烈酒
a shot 一杯  shot 杯
by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 20:06:54, 回應(0), 人氣(1497)
Seating Guests 為客人帶位

When seating a guest, you may find it helpful to offer the guest a choice rather than trying to
seat the guest at a table that he or she may not want.
Seating small children can be a problem. Before the guest asks you for help, offer your services.
Suggest a booster seat (兒童椅), a high chair, or cushion (坐墊) if special chairs are not available.

Good evening, sir.
Good evening. I have a reservation. The name is Paul Major.
(The maitre d' checks the list on her lectern 訂位名單.)
Please follow me, Mr. Major.
(The guest follows the maitre d' to his table.)
Is this table satisfactory?
Yes. Thank you.
Here is the menu, sir. Can I get you something to drink?
Yes. I would like a gin and tonic, please.
Would you like your gin and tonic with ice, Mr. Major?
Yes. With on cube.
Very well, sir.


Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
Yes. The name is Alan Mason.
Please follow me, Mr. Mason. Here's your table.
This table is too close to the washroom. Can we get a different one?
Would you prefer a table in the corner?
Yes, a table in the corner would be fine.
Please come this way. Here is your menu. Can I get you something to drink while you are waiting?
Can you bring us three cold beers?
We have Heineken, Tuborg, and Guinness.
Do you have Beck's
No. I'm sorry, sir.
Three Tuborgs will be fine.

Would you like a table, sir/ma'am?
Yes, please.
Would you like to sit near the bank or by the window / here or over there / beside the dance floor or in the back / at the counter or at a table?
I'd like to sit at the counter.
Please follow me.

table in the corner 角落的餐桌   bartender 酒保

Single guests often prefer to be served at the counter in coffee shops rather than sit by themselves
at a table.

May I get a high chair for the baby?
Would you like me to bring a booster seat?
Shall I bring a cushion for your child to sit on?
Yes, please do.
No, it's not necessary.

cushion 避震器 (哭兇 :D)
by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 19:38:13, 回應(0), 人氣(614)
Dialogue / Pair work / Words and Expressions

Maitre d' 服務生領班 Guest 客人

Rose Restaurant. May I help you?
How early do you open for lunch?
We open at 11:30 for lunch, ma'am. (=madam)
I want to reserve a table for four. (reserve = book)
For what time? (=When would you like it be?)
For 12:15, please.
For whom is the reservation?
It is for me. I'm Ms. Holly Woods.
Is your last spelled W-O-O-D-S?
That's right.
Very well, Ms. Holly Woods. I have reserved a table in your name for 12:15 today.
Thank you for calling, Ms. Woods.
You're welcome. Good-bye. (=Not at all.)

May/Can I take your coat/overcoat/jacket/raincoat/scarf?
Yes, please.
No, thank you.
Yes. Thank you.

Guests often arrive wearing coats, overcoats, raincoats, heavy jackets,
etc. A good restaurant has a special place or room called cloakroom where
you can hang these articles of clothing. When a guest enters a restaurant and
needs assistance, ask him or her if you can help.

Valet parking 代客泊車 
hang, hanger 衣架
cloakroom 衣帽間 寄物處

What time can we expect you?
I'm afraid we don't take reservations for lunch.
I have reserved a table in your name for 8:00 p.m.

enter 進入
article 物品 東西 pl.
assistance 協助
overcoat 大衣
by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 09:30:21, 回應(0), 人氣(810)
Successful Exhibit Marketing


Step16: Lead Classification
"Lead Classification System", reflects two important variables affecting an
exhibition lead: Time and Money.

Exhibition leads is a measurement to direct sales success and overall results.

It also helps justifying future exhibition investments, also enable to compare results
between different shows.

It proves facts that companies that measure their results are far more successful at
exhibition selling.

Step 17: Working Smarter in the Stand
Drink lots of fluids while working the stand - in particular water. And food or other drinks
(except water) should not be brought onto of the stand.

Staff should always stand, not sit, during the exhibition. Therefore, company shoes are a necessity.

Some simple things to make experience easier: Pack extra business cards, pens, and batteries for
electronic gadgets.

Step 18: Other Exhibit Consideration
Literature: 文書
A more cost-effective way to handle literature requests is to get the visitor's name, address and e-mail
address, and send after the show.

Keep in mind:
Visitor who takes time to make a literature request is likely to be serious about your company, so, follow-up is very important.

Travel impact:
Exhibitors and visitors travel afar to participate in exhibitions, the economic impact of this industry
is significant.

It is important to make reservations for AIRLINES, HOTELS, CAR RENTALS, GROUND TRANSPORTATION, ENTERTAINMENT and DINNING well in advance of the event.

Step 19: Final Comments
Successful business builds on relationship.
Exhibitions are renowned around the globe for production positive business-to-business
relationships between exhibiting companies and visitors.

Can not help a face-to-face relationship with a website or a sales brochure.

In the final analysis, company's exhibition success is directly related to how well stand personnel
interact with the show visitors - your current and future customers.
by 王瓊玉 2015-06-02 08:54:40, 回應(0), 人氣(936)
Successful Exhibit Marketing


Step 12: Networking and Your Competition

Networking is the responsibility of who works in the stand,
includes management.

Face-to-face meeting with customers and prospects are extremely
beneficial for future sales and company growth.

One more responsibility for staff is to see what the competition is doing
at the exhibition.

Observe competitors' stands activity and have an on-site visit competitor to
learn their demonstration, selling and etc.

Step 13: Meeting Your Current Customers
Exhibition provides visitors an easy access and comparison among products and
suppliers in a short time.

The stand is the platform for company to let customers know their importance to us.

Know in advance which of customers is attending and plan to spend quality time with,
not only in the stand, but also at social functions in the evenings.

Step 14: Greeting Prospects on the Stand
50%+ exhibition audience tests staff's product and knowledge onside, including exist customers.

19% checks ATTITUDE.

Staff must understand that they are the representation of company during the show.

Should always make eye contact and smile with sincerity.

Read visitors' facial expressions and not try to greet people while standing in the aisles.

Step 15: Qualifying Prospects
Companies with formal staff training significantly increase their ability to convert stand visitors in
qualified leads.

Qualifying visitors prospects consists of the followings:
1. Be sure there is a need for your product or service.
2. Be sure there is a reasonable buying time period.
3. Be sure there is adequate funding or budget.
4. Be sure the contact has the power to make or influence purchases.

by 王瓊玉 2015-06-01 01:49:07, 回應(0), 人氣(745)
America's future

America's future will be no greater than the one (that) we
prepare our children to build. We must not handicap them with obsolete tools.
wholesome = good = sound= quality
disabled = handicapped
hinder, inference,
obsolete = something is no more used = out of fashion
sugar industry, manufacture, export, sugar cane, superiority,
transformed that plant into culture invention zone

To help prepare students for careers in high-technology industries, Boeing's education
efforts focus on applied academics. This year, for example, twenty-one Washington school
districts will receive grants for programs that let students learn math, physics, or communications by
working on practical, business-oriented projects.
relative pronoun = subject 主詞
typical infinitive phrase, function is adverb phrase, 不定詞片語,當副詞片語用,修飾

Seattle, Washington State, Boeing air crafts
focus on applied academics
for example, for instance, school district 學區
grants = money donation for a project

In a completely...
In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us
would have to settle for something less.

irrational, reasonable,

Education needs to attract and retain the best of us. But that won't happen as long as teaching ranks
near the bottom of all our professions in pay and prestige. Chrysler is working to elevate the status of teachers through its support of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

by 王瓊玉 2015-06-01 01:05:05, 回應(0), 人氣(859)
Education makes it happen

Make it happen, Taiwan invests education.
Good leader tries his/her best to build more schools than jails
Only education can help poor kids from the bottom to the top

Education makes your dreams come true.
People with vision and commitment can accomplish great things.
So, imagine what could happen if we joined together to make education
our top priority.

It's time to achieve America's bold national goals for education...goals
that will take all children into the next century - and beyond.

Reach for the power. Teach.

No other profession has this power. The power to wake up young minds.
The power to wake up the world. Teachers have that power. Reach for it. Teach.

profession = occupation = job = career
No other job can do it better than teaching.
Only education can make your dream come true.
strength = force

young minds = young generation = young men = youth
recruit more teachers

Be cool -Stay in school!
Take a look - Read a book
Don't be a fool - Stay in school.
So many books to read! So little time.
When you drop out of school, you fail --- Hard!

foolish, receive education, goof around, cherish, hang around on the street,
drop out of school = quit school
miserable = deplorable

If you want America to keep its competitive edge,do something about it.
superiority 優勢

Support America's college. Because college is more than a place where young people
are preparing for their future
where is a relative adverb specifically saying, where is a simple relative adverb, there is a clause followed, the whole clause  structure, relative clause, adjective clause modifies a place
ivory tower, job skill, training, institution, something abstract, obligation to get job training,
hospitality, hotel industry, entertaining, receiving, solid job skill, eclectic 綜合式

If our country is going to get smarter - and more competitive - our colleges and universities
simply must become a national property.
become smarter, turn smarter, grow smarter 連綴動詞
priority seat
higher learning education
wild chicken universities, 3500
top 150 universities in the States
annual school linking
American News and Reports
overall school ranking
school ranking on different majors

So, keep America, keep its competitive edge with a gift to the college of your choice - and you
will know you've done your part.
by 王瓊玉 2015-05-30 00:23:51, 回應(0), 人氣(911)
Successful Exhibit Marketing

1. outstanding 傑出的
2. brand 品牌  branding 品牌效應
3. financial  財務的 finance n.
4. fundamental = basic 基本的
5. consistently 持續的  consistency n. 持續性
6. rank 等級 ranking 定等級
    hierarchy 階層
    echelon 梯隊
7. obtain 持有
8. purchase 買 
    procurement 採購
9. telemarketing 電話行銷
    internet-marketing 網路行銷
    ear-to-mouth marketing 口耳行銷
10. invest 投資  investment n.
11. facilitate 加強 促進
12. evaluate 評估   evaluation team
      assess  assessment 體檢
13. demographic 人口變數
14. aspect 面向
15. architecture 建築  arch 拱形  architect 建築師
16. graphic繪畫 圖畫
17. priority 優先順序
18. typical 典型的  傳統的  typical crime
19. order 順序
20. literature 文學
     culture 文化
     civilization 文明
21. participation 參與
22. conduct 執行   tour conductor 領隊
23. territory 領域  國境  地盤
     extra-terrestrial 來自外星
24. exposure 曝光
     explore 發掘
     explosion 爆炸
25. advertise 廣告  advertisement
26. personalize 個人化
27. motivator 引發動機的東西
28. billboard 告示牌 
29. perspective 觀點
     prospective 推測  推想 揣測
30. integral 集合  整合 integrated integrative  integration
31. region 區域
32. exaggerated 誇張的 強勢的
33. description 敘述 形容
     prescription 處方
34. interact 互動
     5 "I" s for a successful speech: informative, interesting, interactive, insight, integrated (inspiring)
35. beneficial 受益的
36. eye contact 眼神交觸
37. facial expression
38. sincerity 真誠
39. significantly 絕佳地
40. adequate 足夠的 適當的
41. classification 分等級
     grading 定等級
42. ultimate 極端的
43. proven 證明的
     evidence 證據
     alibi 不在場證明
44. necessity 必需品
     necessary 必要的
45. gadget 小道具
     gimmick 噱頭
46. renowned 就像...
     known as
     A.K.A. = also known as
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