(2015-06-01) 傳播英文(二) 第28講
by 王瓊玉 2015-06-01 01:49:07, 回應(0), 人氣(747)
America's future

America's future will be no greater than the one (that) we
prepare our children to build. We must not handicap them with obsolete tools.
wholesome = good = sound= quality
disabled = handicapped
hinder, inference,
obsolete = something is no more used = out of fashion
sugar industry, manufacture, export, sugar cane, superiority,
transformed that plant into culture invention zone

To help prepare students for careers in high-technology industries, Boeing's education
efforts focus on applied academics. This year, for example, twenty-one Washington school
districts will receive grants for programs that let students learn math, physics, or communications by
working on practical, business-oriented projects.
relative pronoun = subject 主詞
typical infinitive phrase, function is adverb phrase, 不定詞片語,當副詞片語用,修飾

Seattle, Washington State, Boeing air crafts
focus on applied academics
for example, for instance, school district 學區
grants = money donation for a project

In a completely...
In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us
would have to settle for something less.

irrational, reasonable,

Education needs to attract and retain the best of us. But that won't happen as long as teaching ranks
near the bottom of all our professions in pay and prestige. Chrysler is working to elevate the status of teachers through its support of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.