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by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-23 15:29:03, 回應(0), 人氣(1144)
The role of criticism P. 22 Critism is a discussion that tries to describe, analyze, or judge a literary work. Its function is to illuminate  and clarify the work for the benefit of other re
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-23 14:07:22, 回應(0), 人氣(1161)
Five approaches to literary study. 2. in relation to the author   --biographic study  a) the author's life  b) the work as documents  c)the author's life -better u
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-22 13:44:42, 回應(0), 人氣(1138)
1-post. 郵政     The post is the public service or system by which letters and packages are collected and delivered. 2- There is a snack bar beside the pool.  Beside = by3- snack = finger food4- available -   If something you want or need is available, you can find it or obtain it.  可見的有空的5- superior -級別地位較高的    If one thing or person is superior to another, the first is better than the second.   6- deluxe 高級的豪華的。Deluxe goods or services are better in quality and more expensive than ordinary ones.   We always travel deluxe. 7- suppose 猜想 = assumeYou can use suppose or supposing before mentioning a possible situation or action. 8- The deluxe suit also comes with a very nice bar.     Come with  附帶9- If I took an executive suit, what would I get?12-      假設語氣 subjunctive mood          In "if I were you" the verb "were" is in the subjunctive. 10- plus = in addition to = besides from = apart from =  aside from        You say plus to show that one number or quantity is being added to another.      11- jacuzzi = 按摩浴缸  A Jacuzzi is a large circular bath which is fitted with a device that makes the water move around. 12- together with = along with 13- exclusive - 高檔高級奢華的        If you describe something as exclusive, you mean that it is limited to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class, and is therefore not available to everyone.   14- style = stylish = fashionable = trendy = popular 時髦,現代的 women who want to look trendy.   追求時尚的女人                   
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-22 09:52:50, 回應(0), 人氣(1106)
P. 81- translate - If something that someone has said or written is translated from one language into another, it is said or written again in the second language. 翻譯 用文學筆譯的方式 
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-22 09:24:13, 回應(0), 人氣(1155)
p. 8  1- provide = offer         If you provide something that someone needs or wants, or if you provide them with it, you give it to them or make it available
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-22 08:08:18, 回應(0), 人氣(1126)
幸福最重要的是正面的積極的態度.possitive.  一.幸福只有第一人稱. 如果生活在比較當中那無法享受到幸福. 讓別人因為自己的天賦而去影響別人
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-22 07:50:27, 回應(0), 人氣(1052)
 1- Take care of yourself 2- Be temperate有節制的適度的 -  don not take harmful drugs nor drink alcohol to excess.    temperate = moderate    Y
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-21 10:39:49, 回應(0), 人氣(1134)
1- pavlova- 奶油水果蛋白餅. A pavlova is a dessert which consists of a hard base made of egg whites and sugar with fruit and cream on top.   2-meringue - Meringue is a mixtu
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-21 09:43:22, 回應(0), 人氣(1118)
E:Literature is a blessing:文學是福祉.     是世界上能給我們最愉悅感的事物之一. F: Moral instructions character building.     文學
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-20 09:47:08, 回應(0), 人氣(1195)
P.8 < Reasons to study literature > 從1980來就開始討論要不要在ESL/EFL(第二外語)的課堂上教文學.  pros and cons - 利幣,正反,優缺點 反對(oppose)的理