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by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-19 15:06:15, 回應(0), 人氣(872)
P.7  文學是亙古彌新的 -Ezra Pound, ABC of Reading 文學是有技巧的引發特定的情緒. Iris Murdoch, The Listener P.8 文學的定義 1-起源拉丁字,是lette
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-19 11:28:30, 回應(1), 人氣(2020)
How to turn around a fussy eater : Kids 1- turn around - 使改變 2- fussy - 挑剔 太注重細節 Someone who is fussy is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please.  If something such as a business or economy turns around, or if someone turns it around, it becomes successful, after being unsuccessful for a period of time.  Nutritionists find fussy eating to be one the greatest problems for those who prepare and cook food for their family. The following strategies may help.Kids who won't eat new foods It's normal for toddlers and young children to go through a stage of refusing food. This is a part of gaining independence and an effective tool for upsetting and controlling adults. The important thing to remember is that children will not willingly starve themselves, and fussy eating is unlikely to lead to long-term growth or nutritional problems. If you can, get on top of it early to save yourself years of future angst! 挑剔食物也是成為獨立的方式之一.而讓成人感到沮喪而進一步控制大人. 越早解決越容易,才不會拖很久 toddler:  A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps.   學步孩童                                              angst :Angst is a feeling of anxiety and worry.  憂慮  Don't assume food refusal means food dislike Children frequently reject a new food when first offered. This is usually not because they don't like it, but because it is different to anything they have experienced before. They are simply not used to the taste, texture and smell.別以為拒絕食物就是不喜歡它.他們只是因為沒有接觸過而拒絕
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-19 09:03:52, 回應(0), 人氣(792)
1- main point = main theme = central point 讀文章要抓到重點主題     theme : the subject of a tlk or piece of writing 主題 2- chef = big cook   3- quality
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-18 17:17:51, 回應(0), 人氣(931)
12個使閱讀更流利的方法 1)每天讀  2)在舒適的地方閱讀 3)用文章中的線索,關鍵字 來預想文章的內容 4)閱讀前先訂目標 5)讀時頭不要
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-18 16:25:49, 回應(0), 人氣(828)
1-objective -目的目標 purpose of a plan = goal2- acquire -to get for oneself by one's own work3 - domain = area4 - medium 媒介 His best work was in the medium of oil paints. 5- genre 形態6-
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-18 14:14:07, 回應(0), 人氣(874)
1- jogging track 慢跑場  fitness center 健身房 suana/spa 三溫暖    bowling lane 保齡球館   tennis court 網球場 squash court 壁球室 英國愛
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-18 13:24:57, 回應(0), 人氣(849)
1- trainee 受訓者 a person who is being trained                          &nbs
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-17 21:41:50, 回應(0), 人氣(837)
1- oevercharge =charge too much = surcharge (to fill or load too much) 2- charge of corruption and embezzlement 貪污      He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a polic
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-17 11:44:22, 回應(0), 人氣(1094)
1- staff = employee 飯店員工 學校staff = 行政人員  學校老師不是 staff 而是 faculty 2- front office = Lobby 大廳 前置作業的辦公室 3- receptonist = 接待人
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-14 09:38:54, 回應(0), 人氣(897)
1-fist : the hand with fingers closed in tightly           The child seized a fistful of nuts. 2- bilingual : of containing , or expressed in 2 l