by 丁筱薇 2012-10-02 08:17:56, 回應(0), 人氣(1086)
 Epic Voyages of Zheng He
A preview of the documentary called "Ghost Fleet: The Epic Voyage of Zheng He"
The film follows National Geographic photographer Mike Yamashita, who, on the 600th anniversary of Zheng’s maiden voyage, traveled over 10,000 miles from Yunnan Province in the west of China to Africa’s Swahili Coast to shoot a story on Zheng for the magazine’s July 2005 issue. Featuring breathtaking photography and cinematography, including a dazzling visual recreation of how Zheng’s fleet may have appeared to a 15th-century eyewitness, the film tells the story of the amazingeunuch-turned-admiral whose voyages covered a greater distance by sea than those of Columbus almost a hundred years later, while offering a look through Yamashita’s eyes at the lands Zheng visited.