by 丁筱薇 2013-05-13 21:24:43, 回應(0), 人氣(1481)

The Life Line

The Life Line represents your vitality(生命力) and the length of your life. This is the most important line on your hand and will always be present. The Life Line is the easiest to recognize and helps to determine where your other lines are. Generally if the line swoops down to about an inch above the base of the palm, then it shows a life expectancy of about 70 years for women, and 60-65 for men.

This line begins on the edge of the palm, between the index finger(食指) and the thumb(大姆指). It extends across the middle of the palm and wraps around the base of the thumb.
Special markings on this line indicate specific events which occurred in your life. The line can be divided into three parts to help judge when certain events occurred or might occur: (1) represents youth, (2) represents adult, (3) represents old age.
The Fate Line
The Fate Line, also known as the line of destiny, tells the effect society and world events have upon your life (things that come to you from outside). The stronger and deeper the line, the more strongly fate controls your life. If the line has many breaks or changes of direction, it means that you are prone to(=are likely to)傾向 many changes in your life from circumstances you can't control.

This line begins in the middle of the palm, near the wrist(手腕), and runs towards the base of the middle finger.
Special markings on this line indicate specific events which occurred in your life. The line can be divided into three parts to help judge when certain events occurred or might occur: (1) represents youth, (2) represents adult, (3) represents old age.
The Health Line
The Health Line deals with the material well being as much as the physical. This is especially so when the Life Line may be missing or faint. If a person has very faint fate, fame and success lines, then the Health Line also plays a strong part in the development of material wealth.

The Health Line can be found extending from below the little finger(小指), down across the palm, to the base of the thumb. Sometimes it may even join with the Life Line.
If the line is missing, it indicates no health problems. Generally however, the line can be divided into three parts to help judge when certain health problems might occur: The top (1) represents youth, the middle (2) represents adult, the bottom (3) represents old age.
Marriage is indicated by the little line (or lines) that are located just below the base of the little finger. Several light lines in this area will indicate romances. The lines that are strong and clear in this area will indicate marriage. The closer the lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in life these marriages will be.
The presence of more that one line in this area indicates more than one marriage.
1: this will be the first marriage, 2: this will be the second.
Lines that meet the Marriage Line, but don't cross it, indicate children that will be born into the marriage.
The Line of Fame
The Line of Fame reinforces the Line of Fate. Sometimes this line may be missing on the palm, in this case one's future fame must be looked for in other areas of the palm. The Line of Fame influences the social rewards of success. Those who lack this line may still be successful but may will do without public acclaim(公共領域).

This line starts at the base of the hand, and moves its way up to below the ring finger, running parallel to(平行) the Line of Fate.
Special markings on this line indicate specific events which occurred in your life. The line can be divided into three parts to help judge when certain events occurred or might occur: (1) represents youth, (2) represents adult, (3) represents old age.