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Vanity of Vanity Fair
by 張亦廷 2011-06-11 09:11:36, 回應(0), 人氣(1748)

Vanity of Vanity Fair


This work is about the films and TV dramas of Vanity Fair. William Makepeace Thackeray’s masterpiece “Vanity Fair” has been filmed and adapted by many directors in various kinds of versions. Here we surf and collect a lots of web sites to show some information about the drama “Vanity Fair”. And below the articles we list some useful web sites and give some suggestion to browse these webs.



On Wiki web site, we can easily find basic information, such as the year it released, director, cast…, etc, over the years. The most convenient of Wiki is that you can stretch your reading of Vanity Fair. But the disadvantage is that it doesn’t show very deep commentary of the topic, just reveal general information.



IMDB is the abbreviation of the Internet Movie Database. If you want to look for some film’s content instantly, the first thing is just to surf on IMDB web site. You will get the movie almost information right away. You can also find some reviews about movies in this site. Another similar web site is Rotten Tomatoes (, but it has less information than IMDB after using both websites.


Television Heaven

Television Heaven is the site of introduction of almost all TV dramas. Take Vanity Fair for instance, the content shows the dramas and the novel’s background. It also describes the characters’ personalities and shows short plot of the drama. You can find brief introduction of many TV dramas.


Vanity Fair Character Composition

This site gives us the information about the character. It shows the personalities of the two main protagonists. Becky Sharp is a shrewd and immoral poor girl. All her life is to pursue success. She doesn’t have the ability to honestly desire to gain status and most of all wealth. On the contrary, Amelia Sedley presents as an industrious, obedient feminine. The story is followed by the different relevant personalities.



Some Vanity Fair Photos Websites

Here shows some photos websites of Vanity Fair. But it always provides pictures of Vanity Fair in 2004.


Some Vanity Fair Clips Websites

We can easily find the film clip materials on internets. The same with searching movie photos, you can just type Vanity Fair on searching engine. And then chose any site on the list of the result.


After surfing a lots of web sites on internet, we collect and rearrange the two main characters’ images to show all appearances of Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley. We list a chart to easily see the difference between different directors and different ages.

Vanity Fair written by William Makepeace Thackeray’s is the great novel in history. Many years passing, there are several movies and TV series adapted by this novel. According to the website we mention above, we collect all the films (including silent version and sound version) and TV series. We rearrange all the posters (some can not be found on internet) and we post the actresses’ photos of the two main protagonists. This illustration is the most interesting portion of this work. We collect all the photos of Becky sharp. Because Becky Sharp is the most important role and she is a cleaver, crafty and shrewd character, each Becky Sharp in every film looks beautiful, smart, able and all with two big dark eyes. For the character as Amelia Sedley, being the second female protagonist, the role of Amelia Sedley is not lucky noticed by spectators. We can still discover the photos of Amelia Sedley, but the pictures in early 20 century are hard to found. The 1st drama of Vanity Fair was filmed in 1911, and the latest work is released in 2004. During the period around 100 years, there are 10 versions (4 silent films, 3 sound films, and 3 TV Series) of Vanity Fair. For this reason, we can see how great the work affects the world.
