台灣青年 正在離棄國家
by 潘政治 2013-07-10 07:33:40, 回應(0), 人氣(1562)
作者 SpadeR (黑桃'K)
 Fw: [其他] 澳洲ABC新聞:台灣青年 正在離棄國家

時間 Fri Jun 28 14:15:01 2013

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作者 leefengyuh (木白打怪)
 澳洲ABC新聞(鬼島系列):台灣青年 正在離棄國家

時間 Thu Jun 27 17:41:28 2013

Taiwan's youth deserting the country - Newsline - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Taiwan has failed to keep up with competition since its economic growth and rapid industrialisation two decades ago. Salaries have stagnated, and as a result many young Taiwanese are seeking greener pastures. ...

Taiwan's youth deserting the country   台灣青年的離棄國家

Posted Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:39pm AEST

Taiwan has failed to keep up with competition since its economic growth and
rapid industrialisation two decades ago.
台灣在20年前的經濟成長和快速工業化之後 未能跟上競爭對手

Salaries have stagnated, and as a result many young Taiwanese are seeking
greener pastures.
薪資停滯   導致許多台灣青年出走 尋求更好的工作條件