第三講 補充教材
by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-19 11:28:30, 回應(1), 人氣(2036)
How to turn around a fussy eater : Kids
1- turn around - 使改變
2- fussy - 挑剔 太注重細節
Someone who is fussy is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please.
 If something such as a business or economy turns around, or if someone turns it around, it becomes successful, after being unsuccessful for a period of time.
Nutritionists find fussy eating to be one the greatest problems for those who prepare and cook food for their family. The following strategies may help.

Kids who won't eat new foods

It's normal for toddlers and young children to go through a stage of refusing food. This is a part of gaining independence and an effective tool for upsetting and controlling adults. The important thing to remember is that children will not willingly starve themselves, and fussy eating is unlikely to lead to long-term growth or nutritional problems. If you can, get on top of it early to save yourself years of future angst!
toddler:  A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps.   學步孩童                                            
angst :Angst is a feeling of anxiety and worry.  憂慮
  • Don't assume food refusal means food dislike
    Children frequently reject a new food when first offered. This is usually not because they don't like it, but because it is different to anything they have experienced before. They are simply not used to the taste, texture and smell.


1- assume ; 假定
           If you assume that something is true, you imagine that it is true, sometimes wrongly.
2-texture :摸上去的感覺
           The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is.                                               
          Offer one new food at a time
Offering new foods too quickly can backfire, particularly with very young children. Allow time for each food to become familiar before moving on to something new. Offering a new food with already familiar and enjoyed foods can help the new food become accepted.
1-backfire : 適得其反
       If a plan or project backfires, it has the opposite result to the one that was intended.
  • Keep trying: don't give up after the first attempt
    It can take 10 or more attempts before a new food is accepted. Offer a small amount often and your child should eventually get used to the flavour and texture.
1- attempt :嘗
      If you attempt to do something, especially something difficult, you try to do it.
  • Make new foods fun and easy to eat
    Young children are attracted to different colours and shapes. They also love to play with their food, and this is an important part of food acceptance. Finger foods are a good choice. Try different colours and shapes to maximise appeal and attractiveness.
使食物看起來有趣吸引的且容易吃的  用形狀和顏色來吸引他們.
1-maximise 增至最大限度
  • Keep your emotions under wraps
    Children are good at picking up on feelings. It you worry too much, it will show. Work hard on controlling your emotions. If you appear not to care, then there is nothing for a child to gain by being fussy. Be careful also not to over-praise good behaviour – this can have the same effect as showing concern about not eating.
不要表現過度情感 : 不要讓他們感覺到我們的憂慮 就連讚美也要適度
1-emotion : 情感
An emotion is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred, which can be caused by the situation that you are in or the people you are with.
  • Resist the urge to cave in
    If a child learns you will eventually give up and feed them what they want when they refuse a food, they have gained the upper hand. Their fussy eating will continue, and your battles with food will be ongoing. Be firm and stick to a 'this or nothing' policy. Missing a meal occasionally will not harm a child and is more likely to teach them better eating habits for the future.
不要對爭吵妥協 : 如果妥協了以後會更難改,要用堅定的態度讓他知道 如果不吃就沒有其他食物了,這才會讓他們學到正確的飲食習慣
cave in : 屈服 讓步
If you cave in, you suddenly stop arguing or resisting, especially when people put pressure on you to stop

Kids who won't eat vegetables

Clenched jaws and untouched vegetables are an all too familiar scene. Getting children to eat vegetables seems to be the toughest food challenge.

  • Be careful about your messages
    Children often pick up a message that vegetables are not enjoyable when told to eat them because they are 'good for you'. Bribes such as 'No dessert until you have eaten your vegetables' show that vegetables are to be endured, while dessert is special. I once told my children they weren't allowed to eat from a fruit and vegetable platter I had prepared. This made them passionate about the 'munch and crunch' platters, and I eventually 'caved in' and let them eat!
小心你傳達的訊息: 別讓他們以為吃蔬菜是件痛苦的事是需要忍耐的事。如:別賄賂他們
1- bribe: 賄賂
  • Make vegetables as attractive as possible
    Cut vegetables into bright coloured sticks served on a platter with a dipping sauce as a snack or mini-meal, grate vegetables into colourful stacks, or cut them into interesting shapes
1- grate - 磨碎 :to rub usually food on a hard, rough surface so as to break into small pieces
2- stack - 一堆一疊   A stack of things is a pile of them.
  • Don't use force or blackmail
    Not letting a child leave the table until they have eaten their vegetables can backfire. It can reinforce a dislike rather than create a good habit. Calmly take the meal away and re-offer when hunger is next expressed. Resist the urge to fill your child up in the meantime with other less healthy favourites.
不要勉強或勒索: 沒有吃完就不準下桌可能會適得其反, 會讓他們更討厭食物.安靜的把食物拿開,等到他們下次餓時再給他們.不要讓這些不愉快而影響了其他喜愛的食物
1- reinforce :加強  If something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense.
  • Be a good role model
    When children see others enjoying a food, they are more likely to try and enjoy it themselves. Fill your meals with vegetables and demonstrate your enjoyment. Don't go over the top, however, or they will see through your efforts!


Expert tips for super-fussy eaters

Dietitian Anna Richards specialises in family nutrition and allergies. She offers her advice on coping with fussy children.
1-dietition 飲食學家
2-specialise 專攻
3-coping with :成功的應付 If you cope with a problem or task, you deal with it successfully
  • Allow young children to explore
    Get them in touch with their food – literally. Squishing a banana is all part of getting to know the fruit. Familiarity breeds acceptance.
1- squish 壓扁
2- familiarity breeds acceptance.了解後就能接受了
  • Serve new foods
    Alongside favourite familiar foods, regularly serve new foods – even if they are initially rejected. Remember, 20 yucks to one yum!


1- initially 最初的開始的
2- yuck 噁心
  • Don't make open-ended offers
      Offer two choices (when possible). Say, 'Would you like milk or water?' not, 'What would you like to drink?' Or, 'Would you like X or Y?' rather than 'What would you like for lunch?'


  • Make mealtimes calm
    Warn children when it's nearly mealtime – no one likes unexpected interruptions to their games or their work. Turn the TV and phones off.


  • Feed children when they are hungriest
    Young children are often ready for dinner by 4-5pm. Give them the best nutrition then, and allow them to join in the family meal at 6pm with finger foods, or delay dessert until this time.


  • Stay at the table until everyone has finished
    To keep young children focused, a timer with a set time (10-15 minutes) may work for older pre-schoolers. Make sure children are seated correctly and have the right cutlery



  • Infants and young children can regulate their food intake
    Children have an innate knowledge of how many calories they need. You trusted their judgement when they were breastfed, so trust if they say they've had enough. As long as they're healthy, happy and growing, it's all right.


  • Is your child filling up on too much milk?
    If children's energy requirements are largely being met by milk, they have no need to eat the meal you have just spent an hour making. Children aged 1-5 years need around 500-600ml of milk or milk equivalent (eg. milk, yoghurt, cheese). If their intake is above this, it's probably impacting on their food intake.
1-equivalent - If one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same.相等的
2- impact on -對... 產生影響
  • Join your children while they eat
    Treat dinner time as a special 'talk time' about the day. You'll treasure this as your children get older.

跟他們一起吃 享受用餐時光

  • Check with the GP
    There may be a physical reason your child is picky with their food – food allergy, intolerance or reflux. Seek professional help to check. Often food aversion starts with an innate knowledge that 'this food doesn't make me feel good'.
1-intolerance 不耐
2- GP =全科醫生
A GP is a doctor who does not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but who has a medical practice in which he or she treats all types of illness. GP is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'general practitioner'.
3- reflux 反流
4- aversion- 嫌惡憎恨 strong dislike , hatred
5-innate- 天生的固有的 which someone was orn with ; innate kindness與生俱來仁心

The one bite rule 只吃一口的政策

Sophie Gray explains this simple method, which is brilliant for helping picky eaters adjust to new foods. Observing the one bite rule allows you to be firm while you learn what kids are simply afraid of, and what they truly don't like.

Easy does it

If a child won't eat a food, eg. green vegetables, include a single mouthful of the same green vegetable with their dinner every night for 7- 10 nights. When they kick up a fuss, firmly tell them, 'You must eat that one bite. If you don't, then get down from the table immediately and get ready for bed and there will be no story tonight. Why don't you try to eat that one little bite nicely?'

Dealing with theatrics

Many kids will make a great show of nearly vomiting, but it rarely actually happens. What does happen is over the course of the week, they tire of putting on the performance. They become accustomed to the texture and flavour of the feared food, and while they may not necessarily like it, they learn to eat it. When they can eat one bite without a fuss, you have them! The next night, put three pieces of the now familiar vegetable on their plate and introduce one mouthful of another feared food. They will be so busy obsessing about the new food, they won't even notice that they have eaten the other.

The choice is theirs

Children rarely choose to send themselves to bed over just one bite. Even the biggest drama queen can choke down one little mouthful, and the softest-hearted parents can manage to enforce it.

Observing the one bite rule allows you to be firm while you learn what kids are simply afraid of, and what they truly don't like.
1- theatrics -具戲劇效果的
2- accustomed to -習慣
3-choke - 窒息 ;
When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs.