by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-17 21:41:50, 回應(0), 人氣(842)
1- oevercharge =charge too much = surcharge (to fill or load too much)
2- charge of corruption and embezzlement 貪污
    He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.
3- embezzle 盜用公款 公物 to take and use for oneself in wrong way
   The clerk embezzled 10000 dollars from the bank where he worked.
4- recreation - amusement or way of spending free time.
    I am too busy for recreation.
5-  reasonable 合理的
     rational  理智的理性的 offer a rational explanation or suggestion
6- by the way = incidentally  順便一提
7- facilities  工具設施
8- boutique 時裝精品店
9- souvenir 紀念品
10- arcade 拱廊 一側或二側有商店之騎樓
      Burlington Arcade is a famous shopping passage in London.