by 鄭瑋蒨 2012-09-14 09:38:54, 回應(0), 人氣(900)
1-fist : the hand with fingers closed in tightly
          The child seized a fistful of nuts.
2- bilingual : of containing , or expressed in 2 languages.
3- swap : chang , to exchang goods or positions
          I want to sit where you're sitting; shall we swap around?
4- geography : the study of the countries of the world and of the seas, rivers, towns. etc., on the earth's   
5- affair : something that has been done or is to be done
6- matchmaker 媒婆
7- obstacle : something which stands in the way and prevents action, movement, or success 障礙
                   Not  receiving  a good education can be an obstacle to finding a job.
8. dodge : to move suddenly aside.
     tax-dodging 逃稅   dodgeball 躲避球