英文閱讀(三)AFter reading "Two storys"
by 蔡宜蓉 2011-09-09 14:21:53, 回應(1), 人氣(2561)
After reading two storys,I'm  cried.
First story,Let's me think:
Being a couple is so difficult.No mention to be a good father and a mother.Sometimes we will lose our temper,if our life is not well.But parents are really don't want to hurt their child in their heart.
In a marriage,couples have many issue to learn,but the most important is communication,
How to reduce argue,and use our wisdom to resolve different opinions. Don' t get stuck in helpless
atmosphere too long.Find a solution or suggestion to help each other going out.
You mean the second story "Popular Mechanics" make you cry?