(2012-11-09) English Reading (1) - L16
by 黃雅惠 2012-11-09 23:20:23, 回應(0), 人氣(787)
stick to = keep to = not abandon or change
hardly= scarcely= barely
wisely (adv)
debt (n)
--a sum of money that somebody owes
--I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country.
--to have to pay somebody for something that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed 
--owe somebody something She still owes her father £3000.
split the cost= share the expenses
second-hand store= used store
consequently (adv)
utility (n)
--a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply
utility bill
dedcut (v)
--to take away money, points, etc. from a total amount
deposit (n)
-- a sum of money that is paid into a bank account
--Deposits can be made at any branch.